Presenting the Rewardo Token
Earn USDC Passively on every transaction
Rewardo Tokens unique approach to reflections and rewards lets the users earn USD Coin passively on every transaction. Just by holding Rewardo in your wallet.
Disclaimer: Audit made before migration from Ethereum to BSC.
Contract: 0x5eeFa18E21663474E6bec5245A6A169AaFC58fcc

Contract Address (Blockchain: BSC): 0x5eeFa18E21663474E6bec5245A6A169AaFC58fcc
The Liquidity Pool has been locked forever
Read more about the renounced and burned lock here.

Rewardo Token
Welcome to the vibrant world of Rewardo Token, a place where your investment embarks on an exciting journey within the Binance Smart Chain blockchain. Here, we’re not just about holding tokens; we’re about turning your holdings into a source of passive income, making every moment count.
Trust at the core in everything we do
At the heart of our mission is trust and transparency. We’ve taken the bold step of renouncing ownership of the Rewardo smart contract, ensuring it remains immutable — no tweaks, no pauses, no surprises. Coupled with our commitment to security, evidenced by our audited smart contract, your investment stands on a foundation of unparalleled safety. Meanwhile, our liquidity is burned forever, so you need to have no fears of rug-pulls in our ecosystem. We were about to do four years but, decided upon burning the whole liquidity, to ensure maximum trust. Proof can be found here. We also have an anti-whale system in place, as each wallet is allowed to hold only a maximum of 2% of the total supply.
Team tokens are basically burned: locked for 80 years
Our team’s dedication is measured in decades, not years, with team tokens locked away for an astonishing 80 years (the lock can be found here). This is our pledge to the long-term success of Rewardo and its community. Speaking of community, it’s the heartbeat of Rewardo Token. We empower our holders by putting them in the driver’s seat, allowing them to direct our marketing efforts through a dedicated wallet funded by transaction taxes. And with every transaction, we strengthen our liquidity pool, ensuring the ecosystem’s health and longevity.
Major Exchanges Incoming
The journey to major exchanges is paved with a 20% allocation of Rewardo, locked and released with strategic precision, echoing our community-driven ethos. And fairness is our mantra, with half of our total supply making its debut through a fair launch on PancakeSwap, championing equal opportunities for all.
Welcome to the Rewardo Parade
Step into the world of Rewardo Token, where every investment is more than just a transaction; it’s a step into a future where your crypto works for you, within a community that values security, transparency, and collective decision-making. It’s not just an opportunity; it’s an adventure waiting to unfold. Are you ready to join us and redefine what it means to invest in crypto?
We’ve Got You Covered

Renounced Ownership
The ownership of the Smart Contract has been renounced, so that no changes can be made to it, ever. No possibility of pausing or minting tokens.

First we made a short test for locking LP for 7 days. After it worked, we burned the lock and the liquidity pool. You can find the proof and process here.

Audited Smart Contract
The Smart Contract has been audited by to make sure, that it is safe and sustainable. You can read the audit here.

Team Tokens Locked for life
Team tokens have been locked for 80 years, which means that the team tokens will never be dumped. The team will work for the rewards.

earn USDC automatically
There is a 3% tax on every buy/sell transaction, that automatically rewards holders with USD Coin. Earn passive income by simply holding Rewardo.

Monthly marketing polls
To us, community is everything. We will have a 1% tax on every buy/sell to a marketing wallet, and the community decides what we use it on.

Liquidity improves by every tx
We have a 3% tax on every buy/sell transaction that automatically is rewarded to the locked liquidity. This way liquidity improves by every transaction.

A CEX listing ready token
Rewardo will have a 20% locked wallet (3 months at a time), that will be used on CEX listings. You as a community decide on what centralized exchanges we apply to.

Community Activation: This amount is reserved for Airdrops, Zealy awards and community rewards for outstanding achievement
Team Tokens: These tokens are locked for 80 years, so they are basically burned. The team does however get access to the USDC rewards of this wallet, which we will use to hire developers, marketers, community support and the likes.
CEX Tokens: These tokens are locked always for 1-3 months at a time, and will be used for entering major exchanges. Exchanges are expensive to list on and require liquidity, which will be provided from this wallet.
Fair Launch: The project gets a fair launch on PancakeSwap without presales and other hassles. All of these tokens are for sale and to be traded with.

3% buy/sell tax for dividends in USDC
1% buy/sell tax for marketing wallet
3% buy/sell tax for liquidity
Basic info
- Total Supply: 1 000 000 000 Rewardo Tokens ($REWARDO)
- Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20 Token)
- Anti-whale system: Max-limit per wallet is two percent of total supply
- Automatic USDC dividends for every buy/sell transaction (no minimum buy-in)
- Contract ownership renounced
- PancakeSwap liquidity locked forever; LP has been renounced
- Team Tokens locked until year 2104 (USDC rewards are usable)
- Contract audited by Blockhat in April 2024
Q1 / 2024
- Brand Identity
- Website Design & Development
- Contract Development
- Launch Planning
Q2 / 2024
- Smart Contract Audit
- Fair Launch on PancakeSwap
- Launch Airdrop
- CEX Tokens Lock for 3 Months
- Zealy Quests and Community Activation
- Monthly Marketing Poll
- Weekly Update
- Target: 5 000 Holders
- Target: Daily Trading Volume of 250 000 USD
Q3 / 2024
- First CEX Listing
- Discussions with other Major Exchanges
- Monthly Marketing Poll
- Weekly Update
- Roadmap for Q4 / 2024 ->
- Target: 15 000 Holders
- Target: Daily Trading Volume of 500 000 USD